
  • CGTN
  • 2023-01-16 18:25:04
零距离观展之《韩熙载夜宴图》】千年前的party什么样?由此画里可以一观。《韩熙载夜宴图》绘写了南唐宰相韩熙载府上一次完整的夜宴过程,共有琵琶演奏、观舞、宴间休息、清吹、欢送宾客五段场景。此画旧传为南唐宫廷画家顾闳中所绘,但学术界普遍认为是一件南宋时代的仿本。"The Night Revels of Han Xizai," which is believed to be a duplicate of Gu Hongzhong's original scroll, records the painter's observations at a private evening party hosted by the senior official Han Xizai (907-970). The panoramic display begins with a pipa (Chinese lute) performance, followed by a dance number and dinner before proceeding to light play and finally, seeing guests off. The painting now resides at the Palace Museum. 千年调宋代人物画谱Photograph © The Palace Museum For more: 网页链接