*I am a painter and picture-story-teller,...

  • 蓝色美术馆
  • 2023-01-21 17:54:21
I am a painter and picture-story-teller, working from home in my native Scotland, where I am surrounded by big beautiful hills and woods and wild things (my two boys, owls, foxes, blackbirds and bumblebees).  I am inspired by the wild, its lore and its creatures; I also love the wild inside, and the symbols we use to express what goes on in there.  I strive to express wildness, whimsy and wonder in equal measures.
(Lucy Campbell与她画里的野性、奇思妙想和惊奇,Lucy Campbell画画是为了连接;我认为创造的目的是为人们提供一个渠道,让他们感觉与他们狂野的自我,他们孩童时期的自我联系在一起;他们的皮毛,羽毛,翅膀,野性的自我。我画的主题要么是在深情的拥抱中,要么是在神奇的飞翔中——不受约束的想象的飞翔;总是与一个精神生物联系在一起,代表与内在野性的联系。我认为这很重要,因为我看到这个世界与自然,与野性,与我们最深层的本能脱节。我把它理解为对和平、安心和治愈的渴望和希望。我经常画孩子们和他们的动物;在与狂野的自我的信任、保护和保护的拥抱中。我认为信任、爱和野性是需要表达和分享的重要东西。)

*I am a painter and picture-story-teller,...*I am a painter and picture-story-teller,...*I am a painter and picture-story-teller,...*I am a painter and picture-story-teller,...*I am a painter and picture-story-teller,...*I am a painter and picture-story-teller,...*I am a painter and picture-story-teller,...*I am a painter and picture-story-teller,...*I am a painter and picture-story-teller,...