
  • CGTN
  • 2023-02-05 16:40:32
【是娱乐,也是从娃娃抓起的“死亡教育”】南宋画家李嵩笔下的《骷髅幻戏图》记录了一场别开生面的傀儡戏演出。该画本是一团扇扇面,画面左边是一对大小不一的骷髅,右边则是年轻女性和儿童,在空间上形成对称关系。骷髅是“死亡”和鬼的传统象征,但画里的大骷髅似乎是能逗儿童开心的傀儡艺人。在他身后的行李担上,还露出一柄胡琴的琴头,展现出他的多才多艺。死亡和鬼怪带来的恐怖感,被欢快的娱乐感所取代。 Skeleton Puppet Play, by Southern Song painter Li Song, features a skeleton-shaped devil pulling multiple strings attached to the joints of a smaller skeleton, reminding how puppetry craftsmanship and performance grew in sophistication in his time. The skeletons should represent ghosts, but the big devil here, quite an artist, even equipped with a musical instrument, seems to be teasing the toddler with fun instead of horror. The fine distinction between death and life was addressed insightfully in Taoist and Buddhist philosophical creeds of that time. 千年调宋代人物画谱 宋画网课 数字展览链接:网页链接