*I feel incredibly lucky...

  • 蓝色美术馆
  • 2023-02-13 05:09:51
I feel incredibly lucky to be able to do what I love for a living, and sometimes it feels strange mentioning it to someone because it seems a bit too good to be true. Saying that, I seem to work harder than mostpeople I know, but it's a big part of my life which I'm very passionate about rather than a"job".  
—— Owen Gent

孤独、寂寞和无聊是三种不同的境界,分别属于精神、感情和事务的层面。只有内心世界丰富的人,对精神与灵魂有着执着追求的人,对人间充满挚爱的人,才可能体验真正的孤独。Owen Gent 是一位90后年轻的独具天赋充满矛盾感的插画家兼设计师,他笔下的画面是孤独且神秘的,他将人们内心说不出的话描绘成一个大气磅礴的超现实世界,让人不由自主的浸入其间。

Owen Gent is an Artist & Illustrator based in Bristol, England.
*I feel incredibly lucky...*I feel incredibly lucky...*I feel incredibly lucky...*I feel incredibly lucky...*I feel incredibly lucky...*I feel incredibly lucky...*I feel incredibly lucky...*I feel incredibly lucky...*I feel incredibly lucky...*I feel incredibly lucky...*I feel incredibly lucky...*I feel incredibly lucky...