
  • CGTN
  • 2023-02-23 11:23:33
【观音低眉、金刚怒目,都入画中来】中国的佛教绘画随着佛教的中国化而逐步形成,是中国传统绘画艺术的重要组成部分。在宋代,因受禅宗影响,佛教人物画出现了更为鲜明的世俗化倾向,常常出现热闹的画面和有趣的情节。"Kuan-yin of a Thousand Arms and Eyes" is one many such portraits of the bodhisattva mythologized in the Song-dynasty (960-1279) China as the restless giver of life and comforter of spirit. Numerous hands of hers lift mortal humans from suffering, whilst her eyes lighting up the entire world. 千年调宋代人物画谱 宋画网课 数字特展入口:网页链接