风声入松 琴音入耳

  • CGTN
  • 2023-03-01 15:39:00
【风声入松 琴音入耳】琴在宋代被视作“乐器之君”,而古人弹琴也非常注重“琴德相传”。《听琴图》就描绘了官僚贵族在松下抚琴、听琴的场景。虽然他们的服饰与位置表明其身份差异,但在画名“听琴”的语境下,三人却是特殊的“知音”。琴音所传达的不仅是优美曲调,更是“道德之音”,使人遥想他们之间的嘉言懿行。In the case of "Listening to the Qin," which was painted by Zhao Ji, Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty (960-1279), the music of the qin implies that the emperor leads and his subjects follow. "Listening to the Qin" in the form of a vertical axis, the three main figures and the stone house, the four directions, almost in the shape of a cross corresponding angles. The composition of people and objects in the painting is concise and balanced, vaguely revealing a unique rigor and incompatibility in the context of Chinese painting. 千年调宋代人物画谱 宋画网课 数字特展入口:网页链接
风声入松  琴音入耳风声入松  琴音入耳风声入松  琴音入耳风声入松  琴音入耳