*The sky is blue, but...

  • 蓝色美术馆
  • 2023-03-11 07:05:35
The sky is blue, but this is perhaps one of the only occurrences of that hue in nature. Scant in flora in fauna, it punctuates the natural world only sporadically; to alert us of venom (poison arrow frog), portals to magic (psilocybin), or ostentation (birds-of-paradise). Blue is rare. Precious even, arguably best-suited to describing our moods.

天空是蓝色的,但这可能是自然界中仅有的这种色调之一。它的植物群和动物群稀少,只是零星地点缀在自然界中;提醒我们毒液(毒箭蛙),魔法之门(裸盖菇素),或炫耀(天堂鸟)。蓝色是稀有的。甚至珍贵,可以说是最适合描述我们的情绪。有些人可能会说,蓝色是悲伤的,但它也是感动的。Matthew Wong试图通过他的展览《蓝色》(blue),从象征意义和字面意义上探索“蓝色中的蓝色”。它的流动性、感染力和“激发个人和集体的怀旧”的不可思议的能力,王家卫用不同深浅的蓝色渲染了蓝色的时刻——休息、猜测、渴望、忧郁、希望,为我们无法辨认却又似乎太熟悉的时刻赋予了记忆。这是一份关于颜色的遗产,关于蓝色的意义。

Matthew Wong’s Blue
December 19, 2019
遇见艺术 微博公开课 蓝色美术馆
*The sky is blue, but...*The sky is blue, but...*The sky is blue, but...*The sky is blue, but...*The sky is blue, but...*The sky is blue, but...*The sky is blue, but...*The sky is blue, but...*The sky is blue, but...*The sky is blue, but...*The sky is blue, but...*The sky is blue, but...