#微博公开课# The year's...

  • LuciferMorningStar1225
  • 2022-12-07 01:31:03
微博公开课 The year's not over yet for the US Air Force. The Air Force still plans on conducting a Hypersonic AGM-183A #ARRW All-Up-Round flight test before the end of the year. This could happen in the coming week or two.

Source: Bring it on


@Mk18_MOD1 @HoBessBlock1B @CVNX--21 @灰色的西西弗斯 @不会游泳的小海豚呀 @毛衣只砸米弟脚 @焦糖色的独角仙 @IsoAlex_
#微博公开课# The year's...