
  • CGTNRadio
  • 2023-03-25 17:35:43
【破碎山河——伊拉克战争20周年】20年前的今天,美国以伊拉克拥有大规模杀伤性武器为由发动伊拉克战争。战争打开了潘多拉魔盒,紧跟美国打着的所谓的 “民主”、“自由”的旗号而来的是恐怖主义、派系冲突和艰难的重建之路。如今,这个历史悠久的文明古国获得“新生”了吗?伊拉克现状又如何?本期《Deep Dive》播客对话有着多次赴伊经历的英国记者霍达威(Owen Holdaway)和CGTN记者周迦昕@每周加个薪 ,听听他们的所见所思:网页链接 Did Iraqis get a better life 20 years after the U.S.-led coalition launched a war against Iraq? Did they get the freedom and economic opportunities the U.S. promised them? This week, Deep Dive talked with two reporters, Owen Holdaway and Zhou Jiaxin, who shared their experiences in Iraq and observations on the war impacts and the political situation in Iraq.