Most of the Better Natural...

  • 欣然绘本
  • 2022-06-12 05:16:52
Most of the Better Natural Things in the World世界上大多数更好的自然事物
Angel Chang 绘图

老虎为什么背着一张饭桌椅? 她要去哪里?从平原到河谷,从岛屿到山脉,从山谷到山脉……这只老虎四处旅行,每到一处新地方都有新的发现。

每一页都有一个词语描述风景,帮助我们了解构成我们世界的特征,群岛、沙丘、地峡、泻湖。 每一页都向年轻读者介绍不同地理要素。


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Most of the Better Natural...Most of the Better Natural...Most of the Better Natural...Most of the Better Natural...Most of the Better Natural...Most of the Better Natural...Most of the Better Natural...Most of the Better Natural...Most of the Better Natural...Most of the Better Natural...Most of the Better Natural...Most of the Better Natural...