
  • CGTN
  • 2023-01-08 20:12:28
【我是长沙推荐官】如果有一种食物比其他食物更能代表长沙,那就非湖南米粉莫属; 长沙市内甚至还有一条以“米粉”为主题的街道。 米粉深得当地人喜爱,特别是早餐。除了米粉,很多店家也有卖红薯粉和小麦粉,你可以选择肉的种类,选择干拌或者加汤,然后再选择加多少辣椒; 新鲜的干辣椒带来泥土的香味,也带来刺激的辣味。长沙湖南米粉长沙美食 If one food could be said to represent Changsha more than any others, it's "Mi Fen" or rice noodles; there's even a rice-noodle themed street in the city. Rice noodles are very popular among the locals, especially for breakfast. Many shops also offer sweet potato starch noodles and wheat noodles, but the same basic principle applies, choose your type of meat, choose soup or no soup, and then add as much chilli as you can handle; dried chilli for an earthier taste, fresh chilli for a eye-watering spicy punch.